日期 / Date | 今日有咩新聞? / What's News today?___ |
美國總統大選候選人第3次辯論 今日美國時間上午9時(=今日香港時間中午12時)進行美國大選候選人第3次辯論。 第三次辯論沒什麼就瞄頭,民意分析希拉里更受選民歡迎,可是未到投票日(11月8日)未知鹿死誰手。 若希拉里勝,中美關係可在預期之內;若特朗普勝,美國將要進入一個新紀元,但他的對華政策卻成疑。在任的4年內,若在特朗普的帶領下,他主張反全球化和孤立政策能不損害美國嗎? |
2016 Oct 20
Third Election Debate The final debate for the US Presidential election took place at US time 0900 (eqv to HK time 1200) today. No new incites observed on the third debate. Though election poll revealed that more votes clings to Clinton, it is difficult to say prior to the voting day on 8 Nov. If Clinton wins, The Sino-US relation is predictable; if Trump wins, a new era to the US and a controversial foreign policy towards China. If under Trump's leadership, his anti-globalization and isolationism policies would bring no harm to the US in the 4 years in his reign? |
2016 Oct 19
Assault trial today of 7 Police Officers for alleged assault against Ken Tsang Kin-chiu during the Occupy in 2014
新一屆立法會首次流會 - 建制派傑作 |
2016 Oct 19
1st Adjournment in this Legco Year - Pro-establishment camp walkout |
特首和律政師申請臨時禁制令禁止兩議員宣誓就任 |
2016 Oct 18
Interim injunction to forbidden Sixtus and Yan from taking oath. |
朱凱迪接受BBC訪問 香港本屆立法會票王朱凱迪議員,在英國接受BBC國際新聞訪問,講述赴英目的是要釐清現任立法會主席梁君彥脫離英國國籍的時序,並闡述他的政治理想。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYx01_Nw9rc |
2016 Oct 17
Eddie Chu on BBC World News Legislator, Eddie Chu Hoi-dick, the king of votes in 2016 Legco election, has an interview with BBC World News in UK. Mr Chu, in the interview, stated his purpose of visiting UK is to clarify the time process of the Andrew Leung's, the newly elected Legco President, renunciation of his British citizenship. He stated, as well, his political idealogy and vision in the HK politic. |