疫情總報 2021/08/19 | Epidemic Summary on 8/19 |
新型冠狀病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情於2019年底自中國武漢爆發後,延燒全球迄今(8/19)已造成超過2億926萬人染疫,逾439.4萬人死亡。 |
The epidemic of the COVID-19 which has been widespread worldwide since the outbreak in Wuhan, China in 2019. Since the start of this pandemic, 292.6 million people has been infected and over 4.394 million people died. |
台灣疫情 中央流行疫情指揮中心今(8/19)通報新增6例COVID-19確定病例,分別為1例本土、5例境外移入和5例死亡個案。 今日新增5例境外移入個案,分別自美國、立陶宛、越南、阿拉伯聯合大公國杜拜及伊朗入境,均持有搭機前3日內檢驗陰性報告。 截至目前國內累計2,429,464例新型冠狀病毒肺炎相關通報(含2,411,951例排除),其中15,897例確診,分別為1,356例境外移入,14,488例本土病例。 |
Epidemic in Taiwan The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced today (8/19) 6 new confirmed cases where 1 was domestic and 5 were imported. There was also 5 deaths reported. The 5 imported cases were originated from inbound travel from USA, Lithuania, Vietnam, Dubai of United Arab Emirates and Iran. All relevant travelers held negative PCR report taken within 3 days before entering Taiwan. Up to present, Taiwan has 15,897 confirmed cases out of 2,429,464 announced cases of related to COVID-19 (included 2,411,951 ruled-out cases). Among the confirmed cases, 1,356 are imported while 14,488 are domestic. |
香港疫情 香港18日新增3起境外移入病例,無本土個案,香港累計1萬2042例,其中212人死亡。 好萊塢女星妮可基嫚(Nicole Kidman)前往香港,進行串流平台亞馬遜(Amazon)出資的新劇拍攝工作,卻獲香港政府豁免入境隔離,引發民眾不滿。港府規定,來自高風險國家的入境旅客必須在飯店隔離21天,低風險國家則需隔離7天,然後再進行7天自我監控。 然而,香港商務及經濟發展局證實,澳洲女星妮可基嫚與劇組人員因「執行指定專業工作」,獲准入境後不須隔離,只需在抵港2周內進行3次病毒篩檢。
Epidemic in Hong Kong Hong Kong had 3 imported cases and no domestic cases on 8/18. Total cumulative cases were 12,042 and death was 212. Hollywood actress, Nicole Kidman, entering HK for filming invested by Amazon, aroused discontent among locals since the Hong Kong government granted an quarantine exemption to her. Hong Kong government has required inbound travelers coming from specified high-risk countries/regions to have 21 days quarantine period followed with 7-day self-isolation. However, Hong Kong Commerce and Economic Development Bureau responded that Australian Nicole Kidman and her crew are granted quarantine exemption for the purpose of performing designated professional work. They are only required to have PCR virus scan 3 times within 2 weeks after arriving Hong Kong.
中國疫情 中國國家衛生健康委員會19日通報,過去24小時新增確診病例46例,其中境外移入41例(天津11例,廣東10例,雲南6例,上海5例,福建4例,北京1例,內蒙古1例,浙江1例,河南1例,四川1例),本土病例5例(江蘇3例,上海1例,雲南1例),無新增死亡病例。 截至目前為止中國(含港澳)共10萬6651人染疫,其中4848人死亡。 |
Epidemic in China The National Health Commission of the PRC announced on 8/19 that total 46 new confirmed cases were found in the past 24 hours. 41 cases out of the total are imported cases (11 in Tienjin, 10 in Guangdong, 6 in Yunan, 5 in Shanghai, 4 in Fujian, 1 in Beijing, 1 in inner-Mongolia, 1 in Jiejiang, 1 in Henan, 4 in Sichuan). 5 cases out of the total were domestic cases (3 in Jiangsu, 1 in Shanghai, 1 in Yunan). No new death case was found. Up to now, China (including Hong Kong and Macau) has 106,651 persons being infected included 4,848 death cases. |
日本疫情 根據日本放送協會(NHK)統計,日本全境今天至少新增2萬5156例確診病例,再寫單日歷史新高紀錄;全境47個都道府縣中,有22府縣新增確診病例創當地新高。 |
Epidemic in Japan Based on the statistics from NHK, at least 25,156 new confirmed cases has been recorded today. It is a new largest daily increase ever seen. Among the 47 prefectures in Japan territory, 22 of which has marked its new climate of confirmed cases. |
南韓疫情 南韓中央防疫對策本部今天(8/19)通報,截至當天0時,較前一天0時新增確診病例2152例,累計確診23萬808萬例,死亡新增13例,累計死亡2191例。 |
Epidemic in Korea Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) announced on 19/8 that new confirmed cases within the 24 hours on 8/18 was 2,152 and the cumulative confirmed cases were 238,080. New death cases were 13 and the cumulative death is 2,191. |
印度疫情 據印度衛生部最新資料,當地過去一日新增3萬6401起確診病例,再增530人死亡。目前印度累計確診達到3232萬2258起,其中43萬3049人病歿 |
Epidemic in India The latest data from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in India revealed that new confirmed cases and death toll in the previous day were 36,401 and 530 respectively. In present, cumulative confirmed cases in India has reached 32,322,258 including 433,049 death records. |
印尼自研疫苗 印尼食品藥物管理局指出,印尼自行研發COVID-19疫苗的進度順利,已經進入第二階段的臨床前研究,近期可以開始人體試驗,如果進行順利,希望2022年取得緊急使用授權。印尼食品藥物管理局(BPOM)局長盧吉托(Penny Lukito)在18日的記者會說,艾爾朗加大學(Universitas Airlangga)、Biotis生物製藥公司及其他參與研發紅白疫苗的團隊已經取得很好的進展,完成在老鼠身上試驗的第一階段臨床前研究。 |
Vaccine Development in Indonesia The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) in Indonesia said the local COVID-19 vaccine development project has been ongoing smoothly into the second phase pre-clinical research. Recently, they have been ready to conduct the human trials. If the development is on schedule, it is expected to obtain the EUA in 2022. Penny Lukito, Head of BPOM said in news conference on 8/18 that Universita Airlangga and Biotis Bio-medicine Co and other parties participating in research on the Vaksin Merah Putih( Red and White Vaccine) had already obtaining optimum advancement in completion of the mouse model in the first phase pre-clinical research. |
越南疫情 越南衛生部19日通報新增1萬654起確診病例,創單日新增新高,累計確診31萬2611例,7150人病殁,其中大多數病例是在最近數月通報。 |
Epidemic in Vietnam The Ministry of Health in Vietnam announced 16,540 new confirmed cases on 8/19, which recorded a new highest increase in a single day. The cumulative confirmed cases are 312,611 and death toll is 7,150. Most of these cases are reported in recent months. |
澳洲疫情 澳洲維多利亞省今天(8/19)新增57例,創下今年單日新增最高紀錄。 新南威爾斯省新增681例確診。 在兩個省的首府墨爾本和雪梨,有不少感染Delta變異株的患者是兒童,其中在墨爾本,45%確診病例都是兒童及青少年。在新南威爾斯省,33%確診者未滿18歲。 |
Epidemic in Australia In Victoria state in Australia, 57 new cases reported today (8/19), which marked the largest single day increase in this year. New South Wales state had 681 new cases. In Melbourne and Sydney, the capital of the two states, most of the infected patients attributed to Delta variant are children. Out of those confirmed cases in Melbourne, 45% of them are children and teenagers. In New South Wales, 33% of the infected person is under 18 years of age. |
紐西蘭疫情 紐西蘭今天(8/19)新增11例確診,這波疫情累積已有21人染疫。政府宣佈將會開放12至15歲孩童接種輝瑞/BNT疫苗。 紐西蘭近日爆發Delta變種病毒疫情後,過去一日新增11起病例,全與這波疫情源頭的澳洲入境確診病例有關。這波新本土疫情也終結紐西蘭過去半年維持的零本土病例紀錄。媒體報導指出,此波感染凸顯紐西蘭疫苗覆蓋率太低。根據路透報導,紐西蘭500萬人口中僅有23%完成兩劑疫苗施打,覆蓋率為38個經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)會員國中最低。 |
Epidemic in New Zealand New Zealand on 8/19 has 11 new confirmed cases and total 21 cumulative cases during this epidemic. Government announced to allow children of age 12-15 to have vaccination of Pfizer / BNT. After the outbreak of Delta variant infection recently in New Zealand, it recorded 11 new domestic cases which the source were all related to a previous imported case from Australia. These current domestic cases put an end to New Zealand's record of zero domestic case in the past 6 months. The media commented that this new wave of infections in New Zealand revealed their vaccination rate is too low. According to Reuters, only 23% of the total 5 million population has completed two doses of vaccine. The vaccine coverage is the lowest among the 38 members of OECE. |
英國疫情及疫苗接種狀況 英國政府網站周三(8/18)數據顯示,新增確診病例3萬3904例,與前一周相比,8月12日至18日的新病例數上升7.6%;另新增111例染疫28天內病逝的死亡病例,與前一周相比上升近8%。累計確診病例638萬5935例、13萬1577死。 英國政府網站周三(8/18)數據顯示,截至周二(8/17),4741萬人已接種第1劑COVID-19疫苗,4099萬人已完整接種2劑。 |
Epidemic in Britian and vaccination status The data in British government website told 33,904 new confirmed cases. Comparing to last week, the new cases of this week from 8/12-8/18 rose by 7.6%. Besides, death cases within 28 days after infection were 111. Comparing the same of last week, the death case rose by 8%, The cumulative confirmed cases was 6,385,935 whereas death toll was 131,577. The British government website shown on Wednesday (8/18) that 47.41million of people had had the first jab while 40.99 million of people had completed 2 jabs. |
法國疫情 法國衛生部周三(8/18)通報,新增確診病例2萬8405例、112例在醫院中病逝的死亡病例,住進加護病房接受治療的確診患者自6月14日以來首度突破2000人。法國累計確診病例660萬9822例、11萬3228死。 |
The Epidemic in France The Ministry for Solidarity and Health in France announced on Wednesday (8/18) that there were 28,405 new confirmed cases and 112 death during hospitalization. The number of COVID-19 patients in intensive care units have exceeded 2000 for the first time since 14 June this year. The cumulative confirmed cases in France were 6,609,822 and death was 113,228. |
義大利疫情 義大利衛生部周三(8/18)通報,新增確診病例7162例、69死,累計確診病例445萬6765例、12萬8579死。 |
Epidemic in Italy The Ministry of Health in Italy reported on Wednesday (8/18) that new confirmed cases were 7,162 and death cases were 69. The cumulative confirmed cases were 445 and death toll was 128,579. |
墨西哥疫情及疫苗狀況 墨西哥衛生部周三(8/18)數據顯示,新增確診病例2萬8953例,創下自爆發疫情以來的單日新高,累計確診病例達315萬2205例;另新增死亡病例940例,累計死亡病例25萬469例。 墨西哥外交部長厄伯拉特(Marcelo Ebrard)周三(8/18)表示,該國將在本周末收到第1批175萬劑美國捐贈的莫德納疫苗。墨西哥政府上周表示,美國副總統賀錦麗承諾,美國政府將會提供350劑莫德納疫苗和500萬劑阿斯特捷利康(AstraZeneca,疫苗)給墨西哥。官方數據顯示,墨西哥1.26億人口中,至少有42%已接種第1劑疫苗。 |
Epidemic & Vaccination Status in Mexico The data from the Ministry of Health in Mexico on Wednesday (8/18) showed the cumulative confirmed cases reached 3,152,205 and the new death cases were 940 while the accumulative death toll reached 254,690. Marcelo Ebrard, Mexico Minister of Foreign Affair said on Wednesday (8/18) that Mexico is going to received the first log of 1.75 million dose of BNT vaccine donated by USA is expected to arrive this week. Mexico Government said last week that the USA Vice President, Kamala Harris, promised that the US government will provide 350 dose of Moderna vaccine and 5 million dose of AstraZensa to Mexico. Official data showed that at least 42% of the 126 million population has already taken 1 dose of vaccine. |
美國疫情 美國總統拜登周三(8/18)宣布,將要求所有護理之家員工接種COVID-19疫苗,並將疫苗接種率列為這些機構參與聯邦醫療保險(Medicare)及聯邦醫療補助(Medicaid)這兩項政府醫療保健計畫的條件。護理之家居民在疫情期間受到沉重打擊,尤其是在疫情初期,許多長者染疫病逝。拜登說,「我正利用聯邦政府身為醫療保健費用支付者的權力,來確保我們最脆弱的長者面臨的染疫風險。」 聯邦醫療保險是針對65歲以上人士的聯邦健康保險計劃,聯邦醫療補助則是針對貧窮人士的州-聯邦健康保險計劃。許多護理之家的財務都仰賴這兩項計劃。 |
美國疫情 USA President Joe Biden announced on Wednesday (8/18) that all nursing home staff was required to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Vaccination percentage will be one of the criteria for these organizations receiving federal funding from Medicare and Medicaid, which are the two federal government funded medical health programs. The residents in the nursing homes had severely suffered in midst of the pandemic, especially in the early period when many elderly died from COVID-19. Biden said, “I am using the power of the Federal Government as a payer of the health care cost to surely reduce infection risk to our most vulnerable seniors.” Medicare is a federal health insurance program mainly providing coverage for adult aged over 65. Medicaid is a joint federal and state health insurance program which mainly intended for low-income citizens. Most of the nursing home are depending on the funding from these two health insurance programs. |
美國-疫苗接種狀況及效力 根據美國CDC周三(8/18)數據,全美已分發超過4億1961萬劑COVID-19疫苗,其中逾3億5859萬劑已施打。總人口中,60%已接種至少1劑,51%已完整接種2劑;成年人口中,72.3%已接種至少1劑,61.9%已完整接種2劑。 美國疾病防治中心(CDC)周三(8/18)發布的發病率和死亡率周報(Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report)中的幾項新研究發現,隨著具高度傳染力的Delta變異株的傳播,美國現有的COVID-19疫苗在預防感染的效力下降,但在預防住院方面仍非常有效。其中一項美國長期護理機構研究發現,疫苗對新型冠狀病毒的效力,無論輕症或重症,從6月底Delta變異株尚未成為主流病毒株前的74.7%,下降至8月初的53.1%。 根據一項紐約周衛生官員的研究,從5月初至7月底,疫苗預防染疫的效力從91.7%下降至79.8%,但預防住院的效力仍保持在90%以上。另一項在美國18個州進行的研究表明,疫苗對預防住院的保護力至少能持續6個月。研究發現,在完整接種2劑mRNA疫苗的24周後,保護力為84%,在免疫功能正常的成人中為90%。 |
USA- Vaccination rate and its effectiveness The data from USA CDC announced on Wednesday (8/18), said that total 419.61 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine had been distributed in the territory and over 358.59 million doses were vaccinated. 60% out of the total population had at least taken one dose of vaccine and 51% had already completed 2 doses; 72.3% of adult had a least one dose and 61.9% of adult has been fully vaccinated (2 doses) On Wednesday (8/18), the CDC of USA revealed some new findings in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. As more new confirmed cases due to the Delta variant, the effectiveness of the currently authorized vaccine in USA for preventing new infections appeared to have declined. However, their effectiveness against hospitalization remained high. One of the researches focused on long-term nursing homes in USA discovered that the vaccine effectiveness against infections, disregarding the severity of the illness, was declining from 74.7% by end of June when Delta variant had not yet been prevailing, to 53.1% in early August. According to a research conducted by New York State Department of Health, the vaccine effectiveness against infection was dropping from 91.7% to 79.8% during the period from early May to end July, but its effectiveness for preventing hospitalization kept above 90%. Another research conducting in 18 states in USA indicated that the vaccine effectiveness for hospitalization can be maintained for at least 6 months. The research found that the vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization was 84% after 24 weeks from fully vaccinated (2 doses) of mRNA. The immunity of adult was 90% in general. |
巴西疫情 巴西衛生部周三(8/18)通報,過去24小時新增確診病例4萬1714例、1064死,累計確診病例2045萬7897例、57萬1662死。 |
Epidemic in Brazil Brazilian Ministry of Health reported on Wednesday (8/18) 41,714 new cases in the past 24 hours and 1,064 deaths from COVID-19. The cumulative confirmed cases were 20,457,897 and cumulative deaths toll were 571,662. |
南非疫苗計劃 南非為實現群體免疫,期盼在5900萬人口中有超過4000萬人完成疫苗接種,但至今僅約1000萬人接種疫苗,未來將舉辦線上研討會、增加注射站、放寬接種年齡等提升接種率。 |
Vaccination Plan in South Africa To achieve community immunity, South Africa hopes over 40 million out of 59 million of population would complete vaccination. However, only about 10 million people has been taken the jab. The Government is planning to hold an on-line research conference, increase vaccination stations and extend eligible age range for vaccination so as to boost the vaccination rate. |
國家元首染疫 - 象牙海岸 象牙海岸總統府週三(8/18)表示,總統烏阿塔哈(Alassane Ouattara) 先前接觸感染源後,病毒篩檢結果呈陽性,確診感染COVID-19,但現已康復。阿塔哈的辦公室在本月3日宣佈他正在自主隔離,但並未說明他是否染疫。根據總統府聲明,阿塔哈週三的篩檢結果呈陰性,目前已恢復正常活動。 |
Head of State was infected - Ivory Coast Ivory Coast Presidency said that Alassane Ouattara, the President, having been in contact with the virus source, was confirmed infected by COVID-19 after obtaining a positive result from the virus screening test. But now he has recovered. Alassane Ouattara Office declared on 8/3 that the President was under self-isolation but did not mentioned if he was infected. According to declaration from the Presidency, the virus screening test taken by Alassane was negative and the President has resumed normal duty now |
伊朗疫情 伊朗累計染疫死亡人數突破10萬,根據伊朗衛生部19日通報,新增3萬1266起確診病例和564起死亡病例,累計確診458萬7683例,其中10萬255人病殁。 |
Epidemic in Iran The cumulative death toll in Iran has exceeded 100,000. Based on the announcement from the Ministry of Health in Iran on 8/19, new confirmed case and death toll were 31,266 and 564 respectively. The cumulative confirmed cases were 4,587,683 which included death cases of 10,255. |
世界衛生組織要尋源遭拒 世界衛生組織(WHO)近期提議在中國進行病毒溯源的第2階段研究,遭到北京悍然拒絕。不過WHO週三(8/18)表示,仍然相信中國會配合調查。WHO公共衛生緊急計畫執行主任萊恩(Mike Ryan)週三對記者表示,「我有信心……我們在中國的同事非常願意在進一步探索疫情起源的科學研究上進行合作。」 |
WHO Proposed Origin Investigation.China Rejected China deliberately rejected WHO's proposal for a second phase of studies on the origin of COVID-19. However, the WHO said on Wednesday (8/18) that it remained confident in China's cooperative attitude towards the investigation. “I'm confident... that our colleagues in China are very willing to cooperate on the scientific studies that are needed to further explore the origins.”WHO emergencies director Mike Ryan told reporters. |
兒童更有效預防新冠病 一項週三(8/18)發表於《自然-生物技術》(Nature Biotechnology)的新研究發現,兒童的鼻子可以「預先啟動」對抗新型冠狀病毒的免疫反應,在抵禦感染COVID-19的能力可能比成年人更好。研究人員分析了45名COVID-19確診者,其中包括24名兒童,以及42名健康人士,其中包含18名兒童的鼻咽拭子。 在來自兒童鼻咽拭子樣本的鼻內細胞和免疫細胞中,研究人員發現數量更多、可感知病毒存在,並觸發免疫系統予以防禦的遺傳物質。根據研究報告,這些傳感器的數量越多,使得兒童的早期免疫反應較成人強烈。此外,研究人員也發現,來自兒童的鼻腔樣本中,含有在抵禦感染及發展長期免疫力方面扮演重要角色的T細胞數量也比成人樣本多。 |
Children have better anti-viral response A new research published in <Nature Biotechnology> on Wednesday (8/18) revealed a finding that primed virus sensing and pre-activated immune response in upper airways (nose) are more efficient in children than in adult for inducing anti-viral effect against COVID-19. Research staff analyzed 45 confirmed positive patients comprising with 24 children and 21 adult; and nasal swabs of another 42 healthy individual including 18 of which were children. From children's nasal swabs, researchers observed that a higher expression level of certain genes in epithelial cells in the upper airway supporting with large amount of the immune cells enhance children's viral sensing and increase their ability in responding to virus infection. The research reported that the higher the efficiency in children's viral sensing, the quicker will be their immune response as comparing to adult's in the early phase of infection. From the nasal swabs, the researchers identified that more T cells were found in children than adult. The T cells is necessary for efficient killing of virus-infected cells and inducing innate antiviral immunity. |
第三劑疫苗使更好屏障 以色列非營利性健康維護組織(HMO)馬卡比(Maccabi)周三(8/18)援引一項大規模研究的初步結果表示,60歲以上民眾施打第3劑輝瑞/BioNTech疫苗,預防染疫的效力達86%。 馬卡比為以色列930萬人口中的約25%提供醫療保健服務,這項研究分析至少一周前接種第3劑疫苗的14萬9144名60歲以上民眾所獲防護結果,與1月到2月之間接種兩劑疫苗的67萬5360人做比較。馬卡比在聲明中表示,注射第3劑的民眾中約37人檢測結果呈陽性,僅注射兩劑的民眾中則有1064人確診,這兩個比較組的人口結構類似。 |
The Third Jab proved more protection Maccabi Healthcare Services (HMO) in Israel said the infection protection rate for people aged above 60 who had had third dose of BNT vaccine was up to 86%, referring to a preliminary result of a large scale research. Maccabi is providing medical health services to 25% of the total population of 9.3million. The analysis compared the people (149,144) age over 60 and had had the third jab of vaccine followed by at least 7 days with the people (675,360) who had had two doses of vaccine between January and February 2021. Maccabi declared that 37 persons in the group of third jab has confirmed positive in PCR test while 1,064 persons in the group having 2 doses had also confirmed positive. The population structure of both groups is similar. |
1. https://tw.appledaily.com/international/20210819/L7XRIXEH5REOTM32MZN3SSJXT4/
3. Progress in the development of vaccine in Indonesia to fight COVID-19
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